

  Hello guys! Today I'm here because I want to show the real life. Since I was a little girl I liked this world and nowadays, this is what I want to be in my life. I know that sound strange but I don't care, because I know that I can do it. The same as you guys. "Be who you wanna be". All the people have to feel good with themselfs. Anyone can tell you, ' oh you look horrible' or 'I don´t like your style'. This things make feel us bad. We have to think that we can with all, and we have to be who we wanna be. We're going to have our job and we 're going to be happy with ourselfs. We are the best in our lifes. THINK IT. Try to stop a minute and think about how are your lifes. If you don't like, change it. Maybe you say ' Yeah!, I know that I have to change my job, but I need the money!'. Sometimes, is better be happy that have money.

  I'm a little girl now, I've 16 years old but I know that when I get old, I have to fight for my dreams. I do it now, I try to have the better marks in my course. I spend the most of the time studying and the less free time that I have, I sleep, I'm with my movil phone or I do sport. My life is be 6 hours sit down, then eat and start again to study. In total, I spend 9 hours sit down!! It's horrible. But I know, that when I have my own job and my own life, i'll be ready. That's great. So please; get up, be who you wanna be and fight for your things.

I'm sorry for my mistakes. I'm trying to write better each day. I hope you have a great morning/afternoon. kisses.

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